AmCham EU would like thank all our outgoing chairs for their commitment and leadership over the past years. We would also like to welcome the new leadership to their positions and wish them the best in this capacity.
AmCham EU is delighted to announce Tanguy Van Overstraeten, Partner at Linklaters LLP, has been elected Member-at-Large (Lawyer/Consultant) of the Board for a two-year term.
On 29 November, the European Commission published its long-awaited ‘IP Package’, which aims to promote the enforcement of intellectual property rights.
A delegation from the European Parliament Outreach Task Force attended the 38th ALDE Party Congress in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, from Friday, 1 December to Sunday, 3 December.
AmCham EU hosted its fifth annual Transatlantic Digital Economy Conference on 29 November 2017. Under the motto ‘Embracing the Digital Transformation’, the event was attended by some 120 participants.
On Wednesday, 22 November, the COREPER gave its agreement to the provisional deal reached by the Council and the European Parliament on the ETS reform for 2021-2030.
On Wednesday, 22 November, AmCham EU was presented with the 'Best Professional Body of the Year' and 'Best Trade Body Campaign' for our Single Market study campaign at the European Public Affairs Awards (EuroPAwards) 2017.
AmCham EU’s Environment Committee finished its yearly delegation trips to the Member States chemical authorities with visits to the French Ministry of Ecology and Sustainability and the Austrian Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management.
The leadership of AmCham EU’s European Parliament Outreach Task Force attended the European Parliament’s Plenary session in Strasbourg on 14-16 November.
Last week, the European Commission released the second part of its mobility strategy for Europe, the Clean Mobility Package, aimed as a contribution to the EU’s low-carbon economy ambition.
The responsible sourcing of minerals remains an important subject for both policy-makers and industry alike. With this in mind AmCham EU recently held a workshop on the topic of responsible sourcing, with experts from the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the European Commission and the European Partnership for Responsible Minerals (EPRM) offering insight on the latest developments in this area.