Following the publication of the New Deal for Consumers in April, over 60 policy-makers and associations convened at AmCham EU last week to discuss the European Commission’s proposal to introduce a new ‘representative action’ system in Europe.
On Tuesday, 29 and Wednesday, 30 May 2018, the AmCham EU Digital Economy Committee hosted a delegation of 11 members at the European Parliament’s monthly plenary meeting in Strasbourg.
The future of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is on the agenda today, as the European Commission puts forward plans aimed at reforming the CAP for a post-Brexit EU.
Further to the US government’s announcement on steel and aluminium tariffs, Susan Danger, CEO, American Chamber of Commerce to the EU (AmCham EU), provided the following comments:
The American Chamber of Commerce to the EU (AmCham EU) calls for the EU to receive a permanent exemption from any US government plans to impose tariffs on steel and aluminium.
AmCham EU is concerned by the European Commission’s proposal to introduce a manufacturing exemption (‘waiver’) to Supplementary Protection Certificates (SPC).
On Wednesday 23 May, AmCham EU hosted over 30 participants from Youth Cancer Europe (YCE), an organisation that stands up for the rights of youth cancer patients across Europe.
On 17 May, the European Commission published the Third Mobility Package, the last major legislative initiative in the field of transportation before the end of its mandate.
Brussels, 17 June 2018 – AmCham EU and Junior Achievement Europe (JA Europe) are delighted to announce that Bioo, a Spanish start-up, is the winner of the sixth AmCham EU Youth Entrepreneurship Award.
The AmCham EU Presidency Group travelled to Vienna, Austria from 25 – 27 April for a series of meetings ahead of the upcoming Austrian Presidency of the Council of the EU, commencing on 1 July 2018.
The American Chamber of Commerce to the EU (AmCham EU) regrets the decision of the US not to permanently exempt the EU from tariffs and limits on imports of steel and aluminium.
The European Commission announced today a comprehensive approach to strengthen the development of artificial intelligence (AI) across Europe. AmCham EU supports the European Commission’s efforts to unleash the technology’s uptake.